No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library 2024-02-16 FOIA Response RussellCountyLandfillFeasibilityStudyProposal (1)

RussellCountyLandfillFeasibilityStudyProposal (1)

Document Date: August 2, 2022 Document: RussellCountyLandfillFeasibilityStudyProposal (1).pdf

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August 2, 2022

Mr. Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Russell County Board of Supervisors 137 Highland Drive

PO Box 1208

Lebanon, VA 24266

Re: Landfill Feasibility Study ‘T&L Project No. 716831

Dear Mr. Lester:

Thompson & Litton, Inc. (Thompson & Litton) is pleased to provide this proposal for consulting services for the above referenced project for a fee based on time and expenses, not-to-exceed $35,000.00. Thompson & Litton understands thata developer andits engineer are developing private landfil in the Carbo area of Russell County. Russell County will be reviewing and considering documentation provided by the developer and engineer.

Scope of Services

‘Thompson & Litton will provide the following services associated with the Landfill Feasibility Study:

Conducta site visit/tour and meet with Owner/Developer/Engineer. Performa technical review of a Part A permit application for a new landfill. Review/evaluate the following (to be provided by developer)

Initial Total Project Costs including Phase landfill iner and fixed infrastructure including road, scales, leachate treatment system, gas handling system, landfill operational equipment, buildings for administration and maintenance, stormwater management system, water and sewer service, electrical service, establishment of longterm borrow area for cover, and related costs such as administration, legal, engineering, interest, contingency. Projected future project costs for additional landfill liner expansions and other capital cost projects.

Operations budget including labor, maintenance/repairs, fuel, leachate disposal, gas ‘management, groundwater/surface water/gas monitoring and testing, annual groundwater report, borrow area operation.

Funded depreciation schedule (sinking fund for equipmentreplacement, future capital construction, closure of landfill segments reaching final contour during operation, closure of landfill at end of landfil ife, 30-year postclosure period)

TEL 103 East MainStreet. P.O, Box1307 Wise, Virginia 24293 tel: 276.328.2161 fax:276.328.1738 wonw.T-Lcom

Mr. LonzoLester Lanafil Feasibility Study ‘August 2, 2022


  • Project proforma or financial forecast/outlook of the project once development construction is completed; required revenue; guaranteed waste streams, fee structure, terms, etc.

  • Assesshost fee, compared to comparable localities with private landfills.

  • Assess initial and projected solid waste disposal rates and any costs for out of state waste.

Project schedule Thompson & Litton will complete the proposed Landfill Feasibility Study for submittal to the Owner within ninety (90) days of the Owner entering into a written agreement and issuing a notice-to-proceed. Once this proposalis accepted, Thompson & Litton can prepare an agreement for Russell County’s consideration

and approval.

Thank you for allowing us to propose on this project. We look forward to working with you on this and future projects.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. Sincerely, Res {beater

Rita H. Baker, Project Manager

Enclosure: Schedule of Hourly Rates


EFFECTIVE: Through June 30, 2023



Officer-in-Charge $ 275.00 Associate $ 210.00 Senior Project Manager $ 190.00 Project Manager $ 150.00 Senior Engineer $ 180.00 Project Engineer $ 143.00 Design Engineer $ 108.00 Senior Technician $ 100.00 Technician $ 70.00 Senior Architect $ 176.00 Project Architect $ 125.00 Intern Architect $ 88.00 Senior Surveyor $ 165.00 Surveyor $ 100.00 Senior Survey Technician $ 74.00 Survey Technician $ 65.00 3-Person Survey Party $ 215.00 2-Person Survey Party $ 150.00 Senior Construction Contract Administrator $ 155.00 Construction Contract Administrator $ 105.00 Senior Construction Representative $ 103.00 Construction Representative $ 75.00 Specifications and Technical Composer $ 75.00 Administrative Assistant $ 85.00 Clerical $ 58.00
REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Consultants and subcontractors will be billed at Direct Cost times 1.20. Transportation and out-of-town subsistence will be billed at Direct Cost times 1.15.

Mileage for use of personal or company vehicles – Effective IRS mileage rate.

Long distance telephone calls, facsimiles, printing or items not customarily provided by the Consultant shall be charged at Direct Cost times 1.15.

REPRODUCTION: A) 8 1/2 x 11 page, per copy (black/white) … $0.20

B) 8 1/2 x 11 page, per copy (color) … $0.60 C) 11 x 17 page, per copy (black/white) … $0.50 D) 11 x 17 page, per copy (color) … $0.85

                     E) Large Drawings, per square foot ................................................... $0.65 

F) Large Drawings, per square foot (color) … $1.25

FINANCIAL: Invoices are payable within thirty days. Interest is, therefore, charged in the event of non-payment within sixty days. An interest rate 1% per month will be charged and applied to the unpaid balance monthly.

EFFECTIVE: Through June 30, 2023


INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATIONS (Current Rates) Officer-in-Charge $ 275.00 Associate $ 210.00 Senior Project Manager $ 190.00 Project Manager $ 150.00 Senior Engineer $ 180.00 Project Engineer $ 143.00 Design Engineer $ 108.00 Senior Technician $ 100.00 Technician $ 70.00 Senior Architect $ 176.00 Project Architect $ 125.00 Intern Architect, $ 88,00 Senior Surveyor $ 165.00 Surveyor $ 100.00 Senior Survey Technician $ 74.00 Survey Technician $ 65.00 3-Person Survey Party $ 215.00 2-Person Survey Party $ 150.00 Senior Construction Contract Administrator $ 155.00 Construction Contract Administrator $ 105.00 Senior Construction Representative $ 103.00 Construction Representative $ 75.00 Specifications and Technical Composer $ 75.00 Administrative Assistant $ 85.00 Clerical $58.00

REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Consultants and subcontractors will be billed at Direct Cost times 1.20. Transportation and out-of-town subsistence will be billed at Direct Cost times 1.15.

Mileage for use of personal or company vehicles — Effective IRS mileage rate.

Long distance telephone calls, facsimiles, printing or items not customarily provided by the Consultant shall be charged at Direct Cost times 1.15.

REPRODUCTION: ‘A) 8 1/2 x 11 page, per copy (black/white) B) 8 1/2 x 11 page, per copy (color). C) 11x 17 page, per copy (black/white) . D) 11x 17 page, per copy (color). E) Large Drawings, per square foot F) Large Drawings, per square foot (color)

FINANCIAL: Invoices are payable within thirty days. Interest is, therefore, charged in the event of non-payment within sixty days. An interest rate 1% per month will be charged and applied to the unpaid balance monthly.

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